5 February 2021

Jessica Hausner's’s Amour fou (2014)

Interestingly, Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) and his work has received a wealth of attention from film makers, notably Miloš Forman's Ragtime (1981) based Michael Kohlhaas, and Éric Rohmer's La Marquise d'O... (1976) based on Die Marquise von O...

Heinrich (Christian Friedel), in despair with life, first tries to get Marie (Sandra Hüller) to join him in a loving suicide pact, although she politely refuses. And then, when Henriette (Birte Schnöink), wife of Voglel (Stephan Grossmann), discovers that she is terminally ill, she agrees to the pact. And so Heinrich first shoots her dead, and then killed himself at the age of thirty-four. Unlike the way things actually happened, though, in the film it is later discovered that Henriette had been incorrectly diagnosed, and that she in fact was perfectly healthy.

A very strange, yet very enthralling film.

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