19 June 2021

Jacques Rozier's Marketing Mix (1979)

A short. Jean-Yves Maginot (Bernard Ménez), who says he's come direct from the Harvard Business School – but surely not the one in Boston? – has been hired at a company as a sales representative, with the aim of going right to the top. From the beginning, when he bumps his car door on a colleague's in the car park, we can see that this is an ambitious idiot, but then this is a Rozier film with him in it. His language used in a letter a secretary takes shorthand from is treated with derision by everyone: he wants to write in an elaborate, pretentious style using multi-syllables. And then there's another scene in which a shorthand typist comes into an office to join the worthy suited and booted in a yellow tee-shirt bearing a huge Mickey Mouse head. It's just the wonderful Rozier!

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