31 March 2022

Guillaume Brac's L'Île au trésor | Treasure Island (1971)

'L'Île au trésor' obviously refers to Robert Louis Stevenson's book which appeals perhaps largely to younger people, and Brac also includes a quotation from the novel right at the beginning of this full-length documentary: '"I don't know about treasure," he said, "but I'll stake my wig there's fever here."' This is L'Île de loisirs at Cergy-Pontoise, where a large number of activities meet the gaze of the camera: a group of under-age kids trying to sneak in illegally; young women being chatted up; many water activities, some against the rules of the parc; a retired teacher staying in a five-star hotel and relating a story about a platonic relationship with two teenage girls; Afghan refugees talking about their experiences, etc. The young Guillaume Brac used to enjoy going to this place, as is obvious from the loving details he shows here.

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