28 April 2022

Boite à lire, Rezé-Trentemoult, Loire-Atlantique (44)

I have visited many boites à lire, but this is the weirdest yet. It's not unusual to find the odd non-French book among the French ones, but although there weren't many books at all here in the shadow of E. Leclerc hypermarché, almost all were in English, and most of those orginated from an academic place in Wageningen in the Netherlands. But the titles! Biological Control of Thrips Pests, The American Heliocentric Ephemeris 1901-2000, The Genetics of Bacteria and their Viruses, Genetic Variation between and within Ethiopian Barley Landraces with Emphasis on Durable Disease Resistance. I'm not joking, although could it be that someone else is?

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