30 May 2021

Éric Rohmer's Conte d'été (1996)

I've been watching a lot of films of late, so I shall now usually be brief in giving a description of them. Conte d'été is Rohmer's third part of his Contes des quatre saisons, set mainly in July in Dinard, Saint-Lunaire and Saint-Malo, and featuring Melvil Poupard as Gaspard, Amanda Langlet as Margot, Gwenaëlle Simon as Solène and Aurélie Nolin as Léna.

Gaspard, a maths student with a passion for music, has come from Nantes expecting to meet Léna, although she takes a while to arrive. Meanwhile he meets Margot, an ethnology student from Saint-Brieuc working in a pancake house, and who goes for long coastal walks with him, just as friends, in fact as his confidante. Then Margot invites him to a club, where he attracts the attention of Solène, although they don't have a conversation. During one of his walks with Margot she mentions Solène's obvious attraction to him, although he seems too preoccupied by Léna.

He then by chance meets Solène on the seafront, they go to Saint Malo, meet Solène's relatives, Gaspard plays a song he's written (for Léna), but he doesn't have sex with Solène as she doesn't do it the first time she meets a guy. But she's keen to go to Ouessant with him, although Léna (a self-centred, self-serving bitch) comes to Saint-Lunaire and stands Gaspard up. Does the guy have three girls or none? Well, recording awaits him and he has to go off to La Rochelle and leave a teary Margot behind. Ouessant is just a utopia.

'Je pars pour de longs mois en laissant Margot

(Hissez haut! Santiano!)

D'y penser, j'avais le cœur gros

(En doublant les feux de Saint Malo)'

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