20 November 2013

Georges Brassens in the 15th arrondissement, Paris

Poet and singer Georges Brassens (1921–81) lived in rue Santos-Dumont not far from the park now named after him in the 15th arrondissement.

A sign in the park says the bust of Brassens is by Creck, although I can find no information on this person.

I could only find two stones on which extracts from poems were inscribed, and assume that earlier there were a number but that they went astray. This one reads:

'Auprès de mon arbre

Auprès de mon arbre,
Je vivais heureux,
J'aurais jamais dû m'éloigner de mon arbre...
Auprès de mon arbre,
Je vivais heureux,
J'aurais jamais dû le quitter des yeux.

'Discours de fleurs

Sachant bien que même si
Je suis amoureux transi,
Jamais ma main ne les cueille
De bon cœur les fleurs m'accueillent.'

François-Xavier Lalanne (1927–2008) sculpted the cart and donkey.

There's also a small vineyard and an apiary here, but this is the main attraction: at the east (rue Brancion) side of the park, every weekend of the year, is the Marché du livre ancien et d'occasion, a covered market (simply known as 'Brassens' in the trade) where secondhand and antiquarian books have been sold since 1987.

The attractive Parc Georges Brassens.

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