21 November 2013

Antoine Bourdelle in the the 15th arrondissement, Paris

Musée Bourdelle is based in and around the former home and studio of the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle (1861–1929) in the 15th arrondissement. It was established as a museum in 1949. The size of some of the exhibits make this museum quite remarkable, almost overpowering.

The Great Hall, with Centaure Mourant, modèle imberbe (Dying Centaur, unbearded version) in shadows on the right.

Auguste Rodin (1910) in the front garden.

Bourdin's atelier (studio).

I didn't expect to find misericords there.

La Vierge à l'offrande (The virgin of the Offering) in the interior gardens.

Télémaque reçu à Pylos par Nestor (Telemachus Received at Pylos by Nestor).

Anatole France (1919).

Portrait of Bourdelle (1930) by Otto Otto Bänniger.

Study of head for Le Monument à Adam Mickiewitz (1909–28), the Polish romantic poet.
A fragment of Bourdelle's monument to Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855).

Mickiewitz's statue as it is at the top of the monument, which was installed at place de l'Alma in Paris, and was then moved to Cours Albert-Ier, where it remains today.

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