15 June 2021

Alain Resnais's Stavisky (1974)

Here we have a film set in the 1930s which is based on the last years of Serge Alexandre Stavisky (Jean-Paul Belmondo), a man of great wealth and power married to the ever-faithful Arlette (Anny Duperey), although he very much has a wondering eye and believes he can influence anyone he pleases because of his position. The film is way too complicated to go into, although Stavisky is a huge fraudster and also a very mentally sick man.

Trotsky was certainly not mentally ill, although the analogy of him with Stavisky is particularly fitting, but not everyone seems to have understood that one.

Complicated as it may be, this is a very long way from the experimental complications of Resnais's earlier Hiroshima mon amour (1959) and : L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961). A suberb film.

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