17 July 2020

Alphonse de Lamartine in Saint-Point (Saône-et-Loire (71))

On his son's marriage to the English painter and sculptor Marianne Birch (Elisa de Lamartine) in 1820, Pierre de Lamartine gave him the Château de Saint-Point (also known as Château Lamartine), and Lamartine added a keep and crenelations to it.  On Lamartine's death in 1869 it passed to his niece, Valentine de Cessiat. It is now in private hands.

The plaque notes that Lamartine lived and worked in the castle, receiving such distinguished guests as Hugo, Nodier, Liszt and Sand.

Lamartine is buried in the family vault by the castle wall in the churchyard of L'Église Saint-Donat in Saint-Point.

In 1990 a plaque was erected in Mitterand's administration by the monument to celebrate the bi-centenary of Lamartine's birth.

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