16 January 2020

Tony Shaw, PhD thesis: 'The Work of Lionel Britton' (2007)

I've only just noticed that the Open University's Open Research Online has put my whole thesis out there, which makes the messy posts I put on here earlier redundant: 'The Work of Lionel Britton' . The main things to add are that the box reference numbers relating to the material at Special Collections at Southern Illinois University are out of date, and that Lionel Britton's will mentioned in the last paragraph of Introduction B is entirely false: I originally discovered the information in an online document from The University of Texas, Austin, listing wills of writers. But I later discovered that the information was incorrect because it related to another English Lionel Britton, who was not a writer. The Lionel Britton above died intestate.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dr Shaw. I found your blog haphazardly, and, being a francophone, became interested. I have downloaded yr doc on an interwar English writer I've not heard of . But the history of working class literature is important to me. When I was working in a bookshop in the 80s I devoured 'Dockers and Detectives' , and also Raymond Williams's writing about... His name escapes me ... he wrote 'Boy', a miserable but compelling novel on degradation. And another author (Welsh I think) who penned one called something like The Dark Parade.
    I will let you know what I think... If I get through your text. Jack Fuller. Edinburgh
