27 November 2019

Claude Chabrol's Une partie de plaisir | Pleasure Party (1974)

So Philippe (Paul Gégauff) tells his (then real-life) wife Esther (Danièle Gégauff) that he's had several extramarital relationships, although she hasn't, but he tells her it's a good thing: well, this is the mid-seventies. So Esther goes to bed with Habib (Giancarlo Sisti) but doesn't tell Philippe everything: about how she feels, for instance. And Philippe's jealousy continues as Esther continues to see Habib.

The viewer can obviously see that Philippe is an egotistical slimeball, maybe (there are suggestions of it in his possessiveness and his control freakery) a real egomanic. But he obviously manages to fool the much younger (and much married, her second husband being Habib) English woman Paula (Sylvia Murdoch) because she marries him, and the couple leave the wedding reception with Philippe driving off drunk as a skunk.

Skunk would be a very polite word to use for Philippe, who can't forget Esther, tries (in the pleasant environment of the Jardin d'acclimatation) to use his very young child (by Esther), Élise (Clémence Gégauff – yes, his real daughter) as a go-between as he wants to get back with her.* But (his unbelievable pride wounded because Esther won't accept him back), he knocks her to the ground and kicks her to death in a cemetery. Élise, with a childminder, visits him in prison, he says her mother's gone and a journey, and all three will be back in a few years or so. Yeah, sure. Chabrol was a brilliant director.

* Paula is loaded, but that doesn't interest Philippe: what matters is control.

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