6 June 2019

Frédéric Mistral in Pertuis (84)

La Santo-Estello is the Félibrige festival-cum-congress which takes place in a town in one of the thirty-two départements in the south of France: this year is the turn of Pertuis in Vaucluse. The festival promotes regional culture, and it is of course fitting that Frédéric Mistral should boldly feature on the poster advertising the event which is between 7 to the 11 June 2019.

My Frédéric Mistral posts:
Frédéric Mistral at Le Mas du Juge
Frédéric Mistral: Mireille
Frédéric Mistral in Maillane
Le Pavillon de la Reine Jeanne, Les Baux-de-Provence
Frédéric Mistral in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
Frédéric Mistral in Saint-Giniez, Marseille
Frédéric Mistral, Marseille
Frédéric Mistral in Avignon
Frédéric Mistral in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence
Frédéric Mistral in Grambois
Frédéric Mistral in Saint-Michel-l'Obsevatoire
Frédéric Mistral in Pertuis

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