15 August 2016

Derek Jarman's garden, Prospect Cottage, Dungeness, Kent

Prospect Cottage near Dungeness power station, which belonged to Derek Jarman (1942–94), and is noted for its bizarre garden. Shingle surrounds the flowers which grow here, although this is light years away from my former post on Vita Sackville-West's garden. Here, the yellow of the flowers blend with the yellow of the door and window frames, objets trouvés abound, bits of metal, sea- and weather-worn phallic posts stand, a part of the John Donne poem 'The Sun Rising' is in relief on a wall, the remains of a rowing boat take a prominent place, stones cluster to form a circle, much appears to be haphazard. I let the photos below speak for themselves.

My other Derek Jarman post:
Derek Jarman's grave

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