I'd looked for Lemn Sissay's wall poem 'RAIN' several years ago, but it may have been the foliage in front of it that prevented me from seeing it. With no foliage, though, it shows itself, although this wasn't where I'd originally thought: it's nearer to Manchester than the poem on Hardy's Well wall, and just before the Curry Mile on Oxford Road.
You have to read it from up and down each line to see the sense:
'When the rains falls they talk of Manchester but when the triumphant rain falls we think of rainbows it's the Mancunian way'
ADDENDUM: Lemn Sissay has now won the vote for Chancellor of the University of Manchester. Phew! I'm very pleased to say he easily beat the horrendous Peter Mandelson: we don't want dinosaurs, especially hypocrites like the architect of New Labour!
Links to my other posts of Lemn Sissay public poems are given below:
Lemn Sissay's Poetry in Shudehill, Manchester
The Art of Michael Visocchi and Lemn Sissay in London
Lemn Sissay's 'Flags', Tib Street, Manchester
Hardys Well and Lemn Sissay's Poem
As a born and bred Mancunian and graduate of the University, I loved this at first sight.