7 November 2013

Félix Fénéon: Père Lachaise Columbarium #11

File:Félix Fénéon by Vallotton.jpg
 Drawing by Félix Valloton (1898)
'À la mémoire de
Homme de Lettres
de L'Université'
Fénéon is remembered for his journalism in general papers and magazines, something in which he took great delight. He was also an anarchist who wrote for various anarchist publications, although his anarchic instincts probably come out best in his Nouvelles en trois lignes, or 'Short Stories in Three Lines' in Le Matin.  The nouvelles had existed before Fénéon briefly came to the paper, but he invested them with an originality that was often very amusing, almost a new form of art in itself. Below is a link to a .pdf with examples:
Félix Fénéon: Nouvelles en trois lignes

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