16 February 2009

The Work of Lionel Britton: Table of Contents

The Open University has now put my entire thesis online, which makes it much easier to read - without the lost attributes - here.
Please note, though, that the final paragraph of the second Introduction has now been found to be completely incorrect: Lionel Britton, the writer of Hunger and Love, never wrote a will: The University of Texas got the wrong Lionel Britton!

Introduction A: The Plan of the Thesis

Introduction B: Lionel Britton — A Brief Biography

Chapter 1: Hunger and Love and the Critics

Chapter 2: What Lionel Britton Is Up To

Chapter 3: Lionel Britton’s Place in Working-Class Fiction

Chapter 4: Outsider Modernism

Chapter 5: Alienation and Escape

Chapter 6: Past and Future Perfect?



Appendix: Hunger and Love: The Chapter Titles and Numbers

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