16 March 2020

Promenade Littéraire #15: Various Writers, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime (76)

#15, Various writers, Lycée François 1er. In Guignol's Band Céline mentions his grandfather Auguste Destouches, who was professor of rhetoric at this school in the 1850s. Jean Dubuffet, Armand Salacrou, Raymond Queneau and Georges Limbour were pupils here in the 1920. Sartre and Raymond Aron taught philosophy in the 1930s. In La Nausée Roquentin does some research here. Pascal Quignard probably makes more references to the school than any writer, and he was at the school when it was still in ruins after the bombardments; his father taught there. The school was also part of Armand Frémont's memory of the town.

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