25 October 2015

Paris 2015: Cimetière parisien de Bagneux #4: Bernard Frank

This is by no means an easy grave to find, particularly as it doesn't appear to have a single legible word on it.  And there are others which are almost identical, but this is the genuine item.

When Bernard Frank (1929–2006) was twenty he met Sartre and contributed occasionally to Sartre's Les Temps modernes; Frank also included Sartre as a character in his novel Les Rats (1953). Writing in an article in L'Observateur, it was Frank who coined the term 'hussards' to describe the right-wing group of writers in which Roger Nimier, Jacques Laurent and Antoine Blondin are generally included – an expression which is of course still used for them. One of his most noted novels is Un siècle débordé (1970), which won the prix des Deux Magots the following year.

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