17 September 2012

Jarvis Cocker's Poem on a Wall in Sheffield

Always well respected for his lyrics with Pulp or as a solo artist, it's hardly a surprise that Jarvis Cocker should have been chosen to make a contribution to the Off the Shelf literary festival in 2005. That his poem 'Trashed on Cider' should be placed in huge brushed steel letters on The Forge student accommodation building in Boston Street, Sheffield, is surprising, though. But it looks good:

'Within these walls
the future may be
being forged
Or maybe
Jez is getting trashed

on cider
But when you melt
you become the shape
of your surroundings:
Your horizons

become wider.
Don't they teach
you no brains
at that school?'

Jarvis Cocker
Off the Shelf 2005

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